Monday, April 26, 2010


(sidenote: my room on a sunny day)

Brought many a good things. For some reason reading Austen has helped balance mon vie un petite. Though a couple days ago I had to deal with high school jazz...glad I don't have to deal with that on a day to day basis.

I was surprised by how many people wished me a happy birthday even if it was just because they saw it was my birthday. It was nice. So much has changed in one year. This is the second year in a row where things have gotten better than the previous year. 2008 was eww to summarize it. 2009 was all about enlightment. I can go into detail but I have already in my head and on some journal entry. I thought I needed people in my life but I don't which made me see how many good people are around me. If people don't like you oh well...if I don't like someone oh well...move on.

Anyhoo, I am almost done with Pride and Prejudice. I swear I re-read every page twice. The story is oh so wonderfully intense. Not going to lie...I do think of Colin Firth when Darcy says something.

I don't know which book to read next...should I read Jane Eyre or start Shakespeare? I also have Ann Radcliffe.

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